Not happy with the grade you earn whenever you turn in a paper? Having trouble switching between conversational writing to formal academic or scientific writing? Blue Dot Writing provides detailed feedback that will help you with the assignment at hand, and improve your writing skills for future assignments. Blue Dot Writing also offers live review sessions to walk you through the comments, help you understand the reasoning behind suggested changes, and teach you how to apply the feedback effectively.

Types of Academic Paper Review Services

Research papers

Lab reports


Creative writing projects

Capstone projects

Book reports

Middle & High School

Blue Dot Writing reviews documents for middle school and high school students such as:

Research papers

Lab reports

Undergraduate theses

Masters theses

Letters of Intent (LOIs)

Doctoral dissertation chapters

Higher Education

Blue Dot Writing reviews documents for undergraduate and graduate students such as:

About Academic Paper Review

Blue Dot Writing will work with you to improve your individual assignments and teach you how to write more effectively in the future. You can submit any written coursework for review.


You will receive detailed feedback related to writing errors, idea development, style, structure, formatting, and more. This will be in the form of a prioritized list of areas of concern, as well as margin comments. Blue Dot Writing also offers live review sessions to walk you through the feedback and help you apply it. You may also choose multiple rounds of review to ensure that you have effectively applied the feedback.

Middle School Students

High School Students


Graduate & Doctoral Students

Homeschool Students



Home-Schooling Parents

  • Contact Blue Dot Writing using the contact form at the bottom of this page. Fill out your information along with a brief description of the work you need done.
  • You will receive a reply within 1 business day to begin discussion of the details of your project. We will work together to come up with a plan that will meet your needs and budget.
  • Work will then be completed according to plan.
  • Once work is complete, you will receive an invoice and payment information.

Does Blue Dot Writing only review science papers?

Science is our specialty, but Blue Dot Writing can help with any writing assignment or academic coursework.

Can Blue Dot Writing help with research papers/projects?

Absolutely! We will not do the research for you (that would be cheating), but we will help you evaluate the reliability of your sources, and provide guidance on how to find accurate information. We will also provide guidance on how to properly cite your sources with the appropriate formatting.

Does Blue Dot Writing offer paper editing services?

Blue Dot Writing will only make direct edits to professional reports and scientific journal manuscripts. Blue Dot Writing will NOT directly edit academic coursework, perform research for you, or write papers for you. We want to help you improve your writing, not do it for you.

Blue Dot Writing does not condone plagiarism, and reserves the right to report solicitation thereof. We will, however, teach you how to avoid unintentional plagiarism.

My paper is due tomorrow! Can Blue Dot Writing help?

Providing good feedback and guidance takes time. While we promise to respond to inquiries within one business day, we ask that you maintain realistic expectations regarding turnaround time. You can submit your work in chunks, however, so that we can review one section as you work on the next one to save time.

Will Blue Dot Writing review my doctoral dissertation?

We sure will! We do ask that you submit one chapter at a time for review, although we can do a final check for formatting once it is complete.

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